Types of Rubber Stamps In Singapore

What is a pre-inked stamp? What is a self-inking stamp? Aren't stamps just stamps? No, they aren't! Each stamp is unique and has its own functions!


In general, there are 3 types of rubber stamps which are:

1. Traditional rubber stamps
2. Pre-inked stamps
3. Self Inking stamps

Each type of stamp has its own features to fit your usage whether at home or in the office. Let's explore each type of rubber stamp and its unique features in this blog post!


Traditional Rubber Stamps

Traditional rubber stamps require a stamp pad to produce impressions. This is the authentic and most economical way of using a rubber stamp. It goes like this, Stamp on stamp pad > stamp on documents. Using this type of stamp takes up space on your table and may cause a mess as the stamp is not covered after usage.


Pre-Inked Stamps

Pre-inked stamps produce crisp and clear impressions at every stamp. However, a drawback to a pre-inked stamp will be that it requires pauses between stamping. To compensate for its stamping speed, pre-inked stamps use oil-based ink which makes the pre-inked stamps imprint waterproof. Pre-inked stamp does not require an ink pad as gel ink is molded into an impression. We offer 2 types of Pre-Inked stamps:

AE Gel Stamp

Our original A E Gel Stamp uses a Gel System to produce crystal clear imprints that can even dry almost instantly on glossy paper.


AE Flash Stamp

Our other variant A E Flash Stamp utilizes UV 'Flash' to embed your image onto the die plate. Using double foam technology, it can hold enough ink for thousands of imprints.


Self Inking Stamps

Self-inking stamps have replaceable ink pads built into the stamp. This stamp allows rapid stamping as the stamp will automatically re-ink itself after each impression. One of the best features of a self-inking stamp would be its flexibility to turn it into a dater or numbering stamp!  The only downside to this product will be its impression clarity in comparison to the Pre-Inked stamp.


All in all, each type of stamp has its perks and drawbacks in terms of features. So now you understand the type of stamps that are available to you! Do contact us if you are still unsure which stamp is more suitable for your usage.


You can shop the stamps by clicking the pictures below:


1 comment

  • Bentec Components

    Thanks for sharing useful information related to RUBBER STAMPS IN SINGAPORE.

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