How to Refill Ink on COLOP Self-Inking Stamp
Have you noticed that your stamp impression is getting lighter and lighter? It probably means that the ink on your stamp is running dry and a sign that it is time for a refill. Here are a few steps to refilling your COLOP self-inking stamps.
Step 1: Push down the stamp slightly, lock the stamp with the buttons on the side and remove the stamp pad
Step 1: Push down the stamp slightly, lock the stamp with the buttons on the side and remove the stamp pad
Step 2: Reink the pad by applying 3-5 drops of ink
Step 3: Reinsert the stamp pad and happy stamping!
And there you have it! With just these few steps, your impressions will be as beautiful as it was when you just bought it! Want a full video tutorial on how to refill your COLOP Self Inking Stamps? Click here to view the video guide!
*PS: It is crucial that you only use the right ink for each product as different ink may permanently damage your stamp.
You can purchase our range of COLOP Refill Ink or Neon ink in the pictures below!
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